Printed booklets of Special Rules and Regulations to be observed at specific collieries in England and Wales, made pursuant to the Coal Mines Regulations Act, 1872
A bound volume written in clerk's hand, presented by Henry Minchin Noad to Museum of Economic Geology
Letters patent (no. 1471) granted to Joseph Rothery and Andrew Rothery for 'Improvements in Machinery or Apparatus for cutting coal, stone and other minerals'
Papers relating to the astronomical work of G. B. Airy and the engineering work of his eldest son, Wilfrid Airy
Volume entitled: "Some Account of Lewis Paul and his Invention of the machine for spinning cotton and wool by Rollers and his claim to such Invention to the exclusion of John Wyatt"
Sviluppo di alcuni corpi Stereometrico Mineralogici secondo i celebri Autori Dufrenoy, Hauy, Mohs, Rose, Neumann
Copy correspondence between John Wood, chairman of the Board of the Inland Revenue, and various parties regarding coffee and chicory, with reports
The book "The Christian Visitor, on the Four Gospels" with flyleaf inscription by Florence Nightingale
Portfolio of result traces, summaries of results and notes relating to repetition by Boys of the 'Cavendish experiment'
Volumes entitled: "The natural history of British shells including figures and descriptions of all the species hitherto discover'd in Great Britain systematically arranged ('in the Linnean manner')"